First Post Test

Greetings from Orbix Hot Glass atop Lookout Mountain in Alabama.  For many long months we have been putting together this new site, and are pleased to finally launch it.  For all the artists at Orbix, the space and environment penetrate into all the designs, and our website should reflect the same.   Our remote location keeps the work fresh and distilled, uncomplicated like the surrounding rock, rivers and trees, and the curves of the country roads.

For those of you who can’t make the drive to visit our humble mountain, we hope this site gives you a sense of place and personality as you carefully pick out a piece of glass for yourself or a friend. It is not often these days you get to meet the maker, but we would like to introduce ourselves. Thanks for inviting Orbix into your life. We are so glad that our paths crossed.


This entry was posted by admin.

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